Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hello, friends and family. 

My name is Gabriel Paredes. 

I am a 16-year-old Male, living in the Western United States. 

What is my objective? To provide you dear readers with provocative and life changing contemplations, and inquiries. 

My goal is NOT to discriminate, spread hate, or to create divisions in the already chaotic minds of the human beings of this Modern Era

I recognize, through my own struggles, that there is no constructive way to utilize negativity and violence to aid in the process of bringing mine or others perspectives to light.

I am quite aware of the frustrations of both individuals and society as a whole, and I REFUSE to contribute to the mass hysteria that has been taking place since Industrialization and prior. 

So, let's begin this Pilot blog with a question.

Who are YOU?

Indeed, an intense curiosity and confusion will arise out of an individual who asks a question such as this

So, let's try to answer it!

First off, I highly suggest that one clears him/herself of all the things that are NOT him/her. 

So, what is NOT you, then?

Oh boy! Two highly curious, and quite subjective questions that MUST be answered!

Wait, MUST these questions be answered, is there an answer?

Okay..... Let's breathe for a second..... 

Let's take a step back...

Initially, humans ask these questions expecting an answer.

However, these answers tend to be subjective, which makes it quite difficult to comprehend the actual Truth.

But is there such a thing as Truth?

What is subjectivity? 

And then, the Master says, "Why must you ask so many questions?"

Wait, is he even a master? Prove it.

"SILENCE!", says the Master

Hmmm, maybe, we must replace our yapping inquiry with Silence......

Stay tuned